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.turning four.

To the girl who changed my world:

Thank you for being the first person who gave me a one-way ticket to mommyhood.

Words really can’t express how much you mean to me πŸ™‚



Stay healthy, stay happy,

may you always be surrounded by good people and good things,

and on top of it all,

may God always be with you β™₯

9 thoughts on “.turning four.

  1. Happy birthday Sabia… May your fourth birthday find you happy and as cute as ever!

    Gak berasa ngikutin blog ini udah lama, dari Sabia belum lahir sampe udah ulang tahun yg ke 4, hehe… dan baru pertama kali ini comment. Selamat ulang tahun sekali lagi buat Sabia, semoga sehat sehat selalu, senang selalu. πŸ˜€

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